Terms and conditions
Terms & Conditions
The following Terms and Conditions will apply to all delegates participating in the Al Salam Community School Model United Nations (ASCS MUN), which will be held in Dubai, UAE in February 2025.
1. To be eligible to attend ASCS MUN 2025, participants must be 11 or over at the time of the conference.
2. While registering for the ASCS MUN 2025 conference, participants must accurately complete the online forms to the best of their knowledge. ASCS MUN cannot be held responsible for errors.
3. Participants are responsible for ensuring their own safety and security whilst during the entirety of the conference. ASCS MUN disclaims any liability for loss or damage to delegates or their property, including bodily injury, unless solely attributable to the gross negligence of willful misconduct of ASCS MUN.
4. Delegates can only participate by adhering to the deadlines on registrations.
Registration Procedure:
Upon registration for ASCS MUN 2025, an MUN representative from the organization (likely a member of the staff) will have to fill all the required information, including personal details of participating delegates.
Applications will be considered on the following criteria:
The maximum capacity of each council
The availability/vacancy of countries in each council
There is a registration fee for ASCS MUN 2025, under the following categories:
Registration for ASCS Students
Normal Registration - 100 AED
Late Registration - 125 AED
Registration for External Students
Normal Registration - 150 AED
Late Registration - 175 AED
The registration will be conducted in two different categories, which are as follows:
Normal Registration, by December 10th 2024.
Late Registration, by January 15th 2025.
All payments made after December 17, 2024, will be eligible only for Late Registration. The final cut-off date for payments under Normal Registration is December 17, 2024, which is 7 days following the December 10 Normal Registration deadline.
ASCS MUN 2025 follows a strict 'no-refund' policy and a refund cannot be provided if a delegate has already paid.
Organizations that have registered on or before the Normal Registration deadline will receive a priority in terms of confirming their participation in ASCS MUN 2025. There will be no extensions on the deadlines.
Code of Conduct:
Registrants hereby certify by completing the registration process that all information submitted is truthful and accurate. The registrant understands that falsification of any information provided will disqualify him or her from participating in ASCS MUN and future ASCS MUN activities.
Participants agree that all material produced for this conference will be original work. Plagiarism will not be tolerated at ASCS MUN and should ASCS MUN discover instances of plagiarism, the individual shall bear consequences.
Participants are expected and obliged to obey the laws of Dubai, United Arab Emirates while participating at ASCS MUN. Participants will be personally responsible for all charges and damages incurred by them to facilities of the conference and social event venues.
Participants understand full assumption of risk and acknowledge that ASCS MUN, and its Secretariat, members, officers, elected representatives and employees assume any responsibility for the conduct and activities of the participants.
Participants agree to accept and abide by the Code of Conduct published in the Conference Handbook and decided by the ASCS MUN Secretariat.
Participants agree to receive any consequence and shall be held liable if he/she, intentionally or unintentionally use the name of ASCS MUN for any kind of act which badly affects the conference as a whole or to any delegate of ASCS MUN.
ASCS MUN cannot be held responsible for any kind of misconduct or crime committed by the participants. Participants themselves will be held liable for their own misconducts or crimes in light of United Arab Emirates laws.